This is a diary of my journey through weight loss. I hope it encourages you as it helps me through one of the hardest challenges of my lifetime so far.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Today I am very happy to say I met my first 3 month goal.  I am currently 276 pounds. Down a total of 18 pounds from when I started.  Let's review the goal:

July 21-Oct. 21, 2010 starting weight: 294 check
Goal: 15-20 pound loss for weight of 274-279 check
I follow a 1500-1800 cal. per day diet plan. that has changed since I added some exercise and am following spark people's suggestion. It is usually  1700-2100 or so depending on amount of exercise.
I keep a food journal and I map out my meals before the day begins and stick to the plan. mostly check. Have missed some days, usually when I am busy.  I must watch it very closely or else I slip into old habits very easily. Sticking to plan is harder without writing it down.
I keep a written log of every single thing that goes in my mouth (in case I am human and mess up) see above.
I drink 1/2 my bodyweight in ounces per day. (and baby that is alot right now) have probably only done this 1/3 of the time.  I try, but that is alot of water.  I start everyday with that goal though, and I really think it is a very important part of the plan. 
I do not eat any more after the last meal of my day. 90% of the time. Still striving for 100%
I walk 3 times a week for 30 minutes. No check. Started out good first month, but have fallen off the wagon in this area.  Exercise seems to be a very hard challenge for me. A goal to continue to strive for.
I concentrate on eating slower. Needs improvement still. Takes a very concious effort for me.
I read stories that inspire of those who have conquered their weight. Have not done daily but have done alot. It is helpful.
I hang visible reminders in my view to remind me continually of my pledges and goals. This I have not done. I think it would help though.  Since I have had success I haven't been as motivated to do this, but I know a time will come that I may NEED this.
I share this plan with family and accept their support. I make a contract with them. check. Will you guys review as well and add or change or not?

My family and a few close friends have been so supportive of me and I am most grateful.  The journey is a long one and far from over, but I know you will all be there for me. Thank you so much.  I like the way the goals are divided into 3 month increments. I feel excited and motivated like a new beginning to stay on track and fix what needs fixed.  18 more pounds and I will surely be noticing a big difference. I am ready now to invite some of my other friends and family to join me in my journey now.  This feels great now, I can't even imagine what it will be like when I lose all the weight I want. I look so forward to that day. 

New Goals Review:
Oct. 21 - Jan. 21, 2011 current weight: 274-279 (now 276)

Goal: 15-20 pound loss for weight of 254-264 (256-261)
I continue all the above and review the contract, visible reminders and check in with support. Make any changes needed. work on
I keep a food journal and I map out my meals before the day begins and stick to the plan
I keep a written log of every single thing that goes in my mouth (in case I am human and mess up)
I drink 1/2 my bodyweight in ounces per day
I do not eat any more after the last meal of my day
I increase 30 minute walk to 6 days per week. Need to meet this goal first: I walk 3 times a week for 30  minutes

I work on possible emotional reasons for weight being out of control. I lose 20# by my 47th birthday.

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