This is a diary of my journey through weight loss. I hope it encourages you as it helps me through one of the hardest challenges of my lifetime so far.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 6

Today I stuck to meal plan again with a few exceptions.  Some cherries instead of snap peas, and I added a tbls. of butter to my baked potato. I cannot express enough how it helps to have a plan in place.  I worked today and it is a must to plan or I end up eating nothing or fast food.  Plan! Plan! Plan! It just has to be. If I were diabetic there would be no question about my insulin. I would have to make it a priority and budget enough money for it, not run out, and take the required amount.  If I had a horrific infected wound that would take months and much medication to heal, I would HAVE to do what was needed to heal it.  Changing my ways about eating and sticking to it are no different. 

Tyler added to the contract today. Now we are almost there (just waiting for Hunter, no pressure though,only if you want to).

I told my some of my coworkers today about the blog. And I told my best friend Jana, who supports me in everything.  It helps with accountability.  And my coworkers are great. I let the day get away and didn't walk.  I know this will be a challenge for me, but I WILL get my 3 times in.

Today I visited an elderly ill patient in her small apartment (because, like so many elderly, she can no longer live in her home) in the town where I work.  Despite her illness and handicaps, she was outgoing, gentle, kind, and bold.  She just came right out and asked me if I was a Christian.  I said yes and a conversation began that has stayed with me all day.  Before I knew it  we were talking about subject matter that was right on point with what is going on with me in my life right now.  She shared a book about healing she is listening to on tape and it discussed how illness stems from emotional problems in our lives.  She shared a bible verse, John 1:4 "In Him was life; and the life was the light of men." She stated that it had new meaning for her in understanding that without light (literally- as in the sun) we could not live and that God is the light. She was so excited about that and it so fit some things I have been researching and studying in my life.  I don't know if this makes sense, but what a blessing she was to me. And to think I, THE RN was getting paid to check on HER. That was my inspiration today.

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