This is a diary of my journey through weight loss. I hope it encourages you as it helps me through one of the hardest challenges of my lifetime so far.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Getting Started.

I am about to embark on a journey through weight loss and hope to end, make that WILL end in the land of healthy living. And I mean LIVING. I have struggled with my weight, seriously, since after the birth of my 4th child. I was bigger then (17 years ago) than I had ever been and I am now 50 pounds heavier than I was 9 months pregnant then. My story is not unlike many you have probably heard or read. I wasn't always overweight, but when the pounds started coming they just kept coming. I would lose off and on, and then gain back. My biggest problem over the years has been STICKING to it. I have used every excuse known to man. And finally, I have awakened to something I can't even describe. I AM TIRED OF BEING FAT! I am tired of being tired, sick of being sick. I am through being ashamed and unattractive. I never want to feel trapped inside this body anymore. I don't know for sure what it is that hit me over the head like a ton of bricks, but I am done. Through this journey, maybe I will finally learn why I seemed to want to stay this way for so long.

To get started, I am asking my family to help me with a signed contract that includes a plan with measurable goals from me and a statement from them about how they will be making a supportive commitment to me. When that is finished I will share. Look on Friday (that is my goal to get it finished).

1 comment:

  1. I'm so proud of you mom!! I'm really happy you did the blog- I think you'll love it :) I'm also really happy I'm your favorite daughter...You're my favorite Mom. xoxo
