This is a diary of my journey through weight loss. I hope it encourages you as it helps me through one of the hardest challenges of my lifetime so far.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Day 10 Friday My inspiration of the day.  Thank you Ashley.  It helps so much to read inspiring stories.  I went out for the first time today with my husband for our Anniversary (27 years).  I was so fortunate that there was a "light" option on the menu and the chef said it was around 280 cal.  I am certain I will choose there when possible to eat out in the future.  That made me happy to be able to stick to my plan.  I miss my older kids today.  The ones that live far away.  But I will not give in and eat to soothe it.  Food does NOT rule my life.  My role as a parent, wife, and fulfilled person does not revolve around what I cook and what we eat. There are so many things to do with the time that is not spent in the kitchen.  I must look at it this way.  I love being a cook and being in the kitchen and taking care of my family that way, but I must also now make a choice and I choose longer life with those I love.

1 comment:

  1. :) I love you. Congrats and Happy Anniversary. I was going to call earlier but got caught up :)
